Referencias Bibliográficas

Calidad y Utilización de la Energía Eléctrica



[1] UNESA. "Guía sobre la calidad de onda de las redes eléctricas".
[2] J. Arrillaga y L.I. Eguíluz. "Armónicos en sistemas de potencia".
[3] J. Arrillaga, D. A. Bradley, y P. S. Bodger. "Power System Harmonics"
[4] Manuel Pérez Donsión. "Calidad de onda en los sistemas eléctricos de Potencia".
[5] Documentación de los cursos del Grupo Schneider.
[6] La calidad del suministro eléctrico. Universidad de Cantabria.
[7] Salvador Ruiz Díaz. "Calidad de onda y huecos de tensión".
[8] Roger C. Dugan. "Electrical Power Systems Quality".
[9] Eduardo Alegría. "Power conditioning using the STS and SVR".
[10] William E. Brumsickle. "Dynamic sag correctors: Cost effective industrial power line conditioning".
[11] M. Cortés Cherta. "Curso moderno de máquinas eléctricas rotativas".
[12] Real decreto 1955/2000 por el que se regulan las actividades de transporte, distribución, comercialización, suministro y procedimientos de autorización de instalaciones de energía eléctrica. Ministerio de Economía .BOE, diciembre 2000.
[13] Enrique Ras Oliva. "Transformadores de potencia de medida y de protección".
[14] J.C. Montaño, A. López, J. Gutierrez, M. Castilla, D. Borrás and J.C. Bravo. "Continuous harmonic analysis and power quality measurements in three-phase systems".
[15] José M. R. Baptista , Manuel R. Cordeiro and A. Machado e Moura. "Voltage wave quality in low voltage power systems"
[16] S. Stefanescu, M. Chindris, A. Sudria, A. Cziker. "Analysis and Comparison Between Different Methods of Current Reference Generation for Active Filters Control".
[17] Roberto Alves, Miguel Montilla y Ernesto Mora. "Increase of voltage stability and power limits using a static var compenstor".
[18] Nicolás Louzán Pérez, Manuel Pérez Donsión. "Technical Methods for the Prevention and Correction of Voltage Sags and Short Interruptions inside the Industrial Plants and in the Distribution Networks".
[19] H. P. Hsu: "Análisis de Fourier, Addison Wesley Iberoamericana", 1987 (temas 6 y 8).
[20] M. Parra, J. Ortega, A. Pastor y A. Pérez-Coyto: Teoría de circuitos, UNED, 1981.
[21] VG. C. Temes y J. W. LaPatra: Introduction to circuit synthesis and design, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1977.
[22] E. Acha, C. R. Fuerte-Esquivel, H. Ambriz-Pérez, C. Angeles-Camacho. "FACTS. Modelling and Simulation in Power Networks", John Wiley & Sons, LTD, 2004.


[1] G. T. Heydt "Electric Power Quality". Stars in a Circle Publications, 1991.
[2] Mendis, D.A. González, "Harmonic and Transient Overvoltage Analysis in Arc Furnace Power Systems". IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 28, No. 2, March/April 1992
[3] L. Pierrat, R.E. Morrison. "Probabilistic modelling of voltage asymmetry". Proceedings of IEEE ICHPS VI, Bolognia 21-23 September 1994. Pp. 131-137
[4] J. A. Orr, A.E. Emanuel. "On the Need for Strict Second Harmonic Limits". IEEE ICHQP'98. Athens, October 1998. Pp. 176-181.
[5] Srinivas Varadan, Adly A. girgis, Elham B. Makram. " A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Perspective of Interharmonics in Power Systems". Proceedings of IEEE ICHQP, Las Vegas, October 1996. Pp. 386-391
[6] Robert H. Lee. "Line current Harmonics Effects on Transformers". Power Quality Proceedings. September 1991. Pp. 93-104
[7] ANSI/IEEE C57. 110 - 1986. "Recommended Practice for establishing transformer capability when supplying nonsinusoidal load currents".
[8] IEEE Std 519 - "IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems". IEEE IAS-PES.
[9] J. Arrillaga, L. I. Eguíluz. "Armónicos en sistemas de potencia". Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Cantabria. 1994.
[10] S. Osowski. " SVD technique for estimation of harmonic components in a power system: a statistical approach". IEE Proc. - Gener. Transm. Distrib. Vol 141, No 5, September 1994.
[11] Aldy A. Grgis. "A Digital recursive Measurement Scheme for On-line tracking of power system harmonics". IEEE T-PWRD. July/1991 pp. 1153-1160
[12] Paulo F. Ribeiro. "Wavelet Transform: An Advanced Tool For Analysing Non-Stationary Harmonic Distortions in Power Systems". Proceedings of IEEE ICHPS VI Bologna , September 1994. pp 365-369
[13] Michel Meunier. "Fourier transform, Wavelets, Prony Analysis: Tools for Harmonics and Quality Power". IEEE ICHQP'98. Athens, October 1998. Pp. 71-76.
[14] Human M. Beides, G.T. Heydt. "Dynamic state Estimation of Power System Harmonics Using Kalman Filter Methodology". IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 6, No 4, October 1991. pp. 1663-1669
[15] Steven Liu. "An Adaptative Kalman Filter for Dynamic Estimation of Harmonics Signals". IEEE ICHQP'98. Athens, October 1998. Pp. 636-640.
[16] Allan V. Miller, Michael B. Dewe. "The application of multi-rate Digital Processing Techniques to the Measurement of Power System Harmonic Levels". IEEE T-PWRD, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 1993.
[17] Emanuel, J.A.Orr, D. Cyganski and E.M. Gulachenski, "A survey of harmonic voltages and currents at the customer's bus", IEEE Trans. Power Deliv. Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 411-421, Jan 1993.
[18] Emanuel, J.A.Orr, D. Cyganski and E.M. Gulachenski "Current And Voltage Harmonic Measurements and Modelling at the Photovoltaic Project". IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery ,January/89
[19] S.N. Govindarajan, M.D. Cox, F.C. Berry. "Survey of Harmonic Levels on the Southwestern Electric Power Company System". IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery , October/91
[20] A. Cavallini, G.C. Montanari, M. Cacciari, "Stochastic evaluation of harmonics at network busses". Proceedings of IEEE ICHIPS VI, Bologna, September 21-23,1994. pp. 138-145
[21] A. Cavallini, G.C. Montanari, M.Loggini, O. Lessi, M. Cacciari. " Non-Parametric prediction of Harmonic Levels in Electrical Networks". Proceedings of IEEE ICHIPS VI, Bologna, September 21-23,1994. pp. 165-171.
[22] Hiroyuki Mori, Kenji Itou, Hiroshi Uematsu, Senji Tsuzuki. "An Artificial Neural-Net Based Method for Prediction Power System Voltage Harmonics". IEEE TPW-D Vol. 7, No 1, January 1992.
[23] S.R.Kaprielian, A.E. Emanuel, R.V. Dwyer, H. Mehta. "Predicting Voltage Distortion in a System with Multiple Random Harmonic Sources". IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 9, No. 3, July 1994. Pp. 1632-1638.
[24] A. Cavallini, M. Cacciari, M. Loggini and G. C. Montanari. "Evaluation of Harmonic Levels in Electrical Networks by Statistical Indexes". IEEE T-IA, Vol. 30, No. 4, July/August 1994. Pp. 1116-1126.

[25] "Medidor de flicker. Especificaciones funcionales y de diseño". Norma básica CEM (EN 61000-4-15:1997). UNE-EN 61000-4-15

[26] Simons. "Das Flackern des Lichtes in Elektrischen Beleuchtungsanlagen". ETZ.nº 37, pp 453-455; nº 38, pp 465-468; nº 39, pp 474-476 (1917)

[27] De Lange, H. "Experiments on flicker and some calculations on an electric analog of the Foveal system". Physica,18, p 935-950 (1952)

[28] Rashbass, C. "The visibility of transients changes of luminance". J. Phisiol. 210 pp. 165-186 (1970)

[29] Koendrink, J.J. and Van Doorn, A.J. "Visibility of unpredictably flickering lights". Journal of the Optical Society of America. Vol 64, number 11, November 1974

[30] Kelly, D.H. "Visual responses to time-dependent stimuli.I. Amplitude sensitivity measurement". Journal of the Optical Society of America. Vol. 51, nº 4. April 1961

[31] Keppler, T. "Flicker Measurement and Propagation". University of Canterbury. September 1998.

[32] Emanuel A.E., Peretto L. "The Response of Fluorescent Lamp with magnetic ballast to Voltage Distortion". IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol 12 ,nº 1, pp 289-294 January 1997

[33] M. Sakulin and H. Renner, "Strategy For Worldwide Applicability Of The Uie/Iec Flickermeter", ICU, vol. pp. 1-7, 1992

[34] ASINEL. "Las perturbaciones en la Electricidad". Enero 1980. Pp. 33-37

[35] IEC Publication 868, "Flickermeter, Functional and Design Specifications", 1986.

[36] Larsson, L.O. "Condensadores serie para líneas de distribución. ABB Power Systems" . Jornadas CIRED

[37] M. Bedin -"DANARC: Controlled Current Electric Arc Furnace -concept with 3-phase saturable reactor". Danieli-Centromet. October 1992

[38] El-Sharkawi. M.A., Rodríguez A.,Butler n., Smith D. "Development and field testing of an adaptative Flicker Controller for 15kV systems". IEEE transactions on Power Delivery, Voil 10, nº2, pp 1025-1030 april 1995

[39] El-Sharkawi. M.A., Rodríguez A.,Butler n., Smith D. "Transient análisis of distribution class adaptive VAR compensators: simulation and field test results"

[40] King B., Olejniczak K.L. "An evaluation of Static Var Compensation Strategies for Voltage Flicker Mitigation in Electric Distribution Systems". pp 6-11. ICHPS 1996

[41] W. Mombauer. "Flicker-Simulation and Minimation". pp 102-106 CIRED-1989

[42] R. Manara. "Flicker Transference from High Voltage Distribution Systems to Down-Stream Distribution Systems". UIE Meeting. November 1990.

[43] M.P. Donsión, "Análisis de Estabilidad de Sistemas de Potencia", Monografía Nº. 168, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1993.


1. "Electric Power Quality". G. T. Heydt . Stars in a Circle Publications, 1991.
2. "Harmonic and Transient Overvoltage Analysis in Arc Furnace Power Systems". Mendis, D.A. González, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 28, No. 2, March/April 1992
3. "Probabilistic modelling of voltage asymmetry". L. Pierrat, R.E. Morrison. Proceedings of IEEE ICHPS VI, Bolognia 21-23 September 1994. Pp. 131-137
4. "On the Need for Strict Second Harmonic Limits". J. A. Orr, A.E. Emanuel. IEEE ICHQP'98. Athens, October 1998. Pp. 176-181.
5. " A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Perspective of Interharmonics in Power Systems". Srinivas Varadan, Adly A. girgis, Elham B. Makram. Proceedings of IEEE ICHQP, Las Vegas, October 1996. Pp. 386-391
6. "Line current Harmonics Effects on Transformers". Robert H. Lee. Power Quality Proceedings. September 1991. Pp. 93-104
7. "Recommended Practice for establishing transformer capability when supplying nonsinusoidal load currents". ANSI/IEEE C57. 110 - 1986.
8. "IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems". IEEE IAS-PES. IEEE Std 519 -
9. "Armónicos en sistemas de potencia". J. Arrillaga, L. I. Eguíluz. Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Cantabria. 1994.
10. " SVD technique for estimation of harmonic components in a power system: a statistical approach". J. Arrillaga, L. I. Eguíluz. J. Arrillaga, IEE Proc. - Gener. Transm. Distrib. Vol 141, No 5, September 1994.

"Efecto flicker"

1. Medidor de flicker. Especificaciones funcionales y de diseño. Norma básica CEM (EN 61000-4-15:1997).
2. Das Flackern des Lichtes in Elektrischen Beleuchtungsanlagen. Simons. ETZ.nº 37, pp 453-455; nº 38, pp 465-468; nº 39, pp 474-476 (1917)
3. Experiments on flicker and some calculations on an electric analog of the Foveal system. De Lange, H.; Physica,18, p 935-950 (1952)
4. The visibility of transients changes of luminance. Rashbass, C. J. Phisiol. 210 pp. 165-186 (1970)
5. Visibility of unpredictablyflickering lights. Journal of the Optical Society of America. Koendrink, J.J. and Van Doorn, A.J. Vol 64, number 11, November 1974
6. Visual responses to time-dependent stimuli.I. Amplitude sensitivity measurement. Kelly, D.H. Journal of the Optical Society of America. Vol. 51, nº 4. April 1961
7. Flicker Measurement and Propagation. Keppler, T. University of Canterbury. September 1998.
8. The Response of Fluorescent Lamp with magnetic ballast to Voltage Distortion. Emanuel A.E., Peretto L.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol 12 ,nº 1, pp 289-294 january 1997
9. Strategy For Worldwide Applicability Of The Uie/Iec Flickermeter ICU, M. Sakulin and H. Renner, vol. pp. 1-7, 1992
10. Las perturbaciones en la Electricidad. ASINEL. Enero 1980. Pp. 33-37

Huecos de tensión
1. Characteristic of Voltage Dips (Sags) in Power Systems, Lidons Zhang, Math H.J. Bollen IEEE Transactions on
Power Delivery, vol. 15, no. 2, Abril 2000.
2. Crossley Characterization of Voltage Sags in Industrial Distribution, G. Yalçinkaya, Math H.J. Bollen, P.A.
Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 34, no. 4, Julio/Agosto 1998
3. Characterisation of Voltage Sags Experienced by three-phase adjustable-speed drives. Math H.J. Bollen,
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 12, no. 4, Octubre 1997
4. Effect of Voltage Sags on Adjustable-Speed Drives: A critical Evaluation and an Approach to Improve Performance, 1999 J.L. Durán-Gómez, P.N. Enjeti, B.O. Woo IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 35, no. 6, Noviembre/Diciembre.
5. Voltage Sag Analysis Case Studies; J. Lamoree, D. Mueller, P. Vinett, W. Jones, M. Samotyj
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 30, no. 4, Julio/Agosto 1994
6. Analysis of Voltage Tolerance of AC Adjustable-Speed Drives for Three-Phase Balanced and Unbalanced Sags, Math H.J. Bollen, Lidong D. Zhang, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 36, no. 3, Mayo/Junio 2000
7. Effects of Power Line Voltage Variations on Different Types of 400-W High-Pressure Sodium Ballasts; D.S. Dorr, A. Mansoor, A.G. Morinee, J.C. Worley; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 33, no. 2, Marzo/Abril 1997
8. Trends in Power Quality Monitoring; Mark McGranaghan; IEEE Power Engineering Review, vol. 21, no. 10, octubre 2001
9. Power Quality Engineering, G.T. Heydt; IEEE Power Engineering Review, vol. 21, no. 9, Septiembre 2001
10. A Three-Phase Sag Generator for Testing Industrial Equipment
E.R. Collins Jr, R.I. Morgan, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 11, no. 1, Enero 1996


[1] Real Decreto 1955/2000 por el que se regulan las actividades de transporte, distribución, comercialización, suministro y procedimientos de autorización de instalaciones de energía eléctrica.
[2] UNE-EN 50160, características de la tensión suministrada por las redes públicas de distribución.
[3] M. H. J. Bollen, T. Tayjasanant, G. Yalçinkaya, "Assessment of the number of voltage sags experienced by a large industrial customer", IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, vol. 33, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 1997, pp. 1465-1471.
[4] E. W. Gunther, H. Mehta, "A survey of distribution system power quality - Preliminary results", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 1995, pp. 322-329.
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[17] H.L. Ginn, L.S. Czarnecki, An optimization based method for selection of resonant harmonic filter branch parameters. IEEE Trans.on Power Delivery, Vol. 21, Iss. 3, pp. 1445 - 1451. July 2006
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[35] IEEE Std 1531-2003, IEEE Guide for Application and Specification of Harmonic Filters.